A Site for WordPress Plugins


Well hallo there. If it’s not WordPress Plugins you want then there’s not going to be a lot to interest you here. But you are most welcome to stay if you want.

The plugins you see here are the results of many hours of toil and struggle. I’m not a real developer, I just do this stuff for a hobby. But I have tried to make the plugins as simple to use as possible but still deliver something packed full of features. Many of those features are the result of comments, requests and emails so if there is something you want there is a pretty good chance that I can make it work.

This Theme

Super cool and full of fancy features. Find out more on the Theme support site.

  1. Vic on 19 Sep 2024:


    I would like to know if you have credit card comparison tool? Pls email to me so can discuss.

    Reply to Vic

    • Graham on 19 Sep 2024:

      Hi Vic,

      I have a comparison tool you can use for credit cards or you can get your own custom version built. Sending you an email.

  2. Jaso on 01 Jul 2020:

    need to check you support links on the WordPress.org site for yr plugins as theres no help!!!

    Reply to Jaso

  3. Robert 247 on 28 Dec 2019:

    I also can’t find for pro version upgrade( Can you send prtscn please?

    Reply to Robert 247

    • Graham on 28 Dec 2019:

      Hi Robert,
      Go to the plugin settings and click the Upgrade tab.

  4. Christiaan Tredoux on 04 Dec 2019:

    Can not find Pro version upgrade

    Reply to Christiaan Tredoux

    • Graham on 04 Dec 2019:

      Go to the plugin settings and click on the ‘Upgrade’ tab.

  5. Shannon on 24 Nov 2019:

    Hello. Iā€™m using your Loan Repayment Calculator and I was wondering if you could help me.
    I need to change it to a very simple fixed rate calculation. interest is $15 on every $100. No time. like this:https://www.lendup.com
    Can you help?
    Thank you

    Reply to Shannon

  6. Kenny on 16 Nov 2019:

    Hi. Do have a plugin like the loan compare but for Investment products and with filters to enables visitors choose a certain financial institution or product to compare?

    Reply to Kenny

    • Graham on 16 Nov 2019:

      Hi Kenny,
      I’ve sent you an email

  7. Rachael Devcich on 13 Oct 2019:

    Hi there ā€” thanks so much for the Loan Repayment Calculator plugin, works a treat for what we needed. Just wondering if there’s any way to move the “years” up to the same line as the number when viewed on mobile (currently wraps to next line under the slider bar). https://spartanfinance.co.nz/loan-calculator/
    Thanks, Rachael

    Reply to Rachael Devcich

    • Graham on 13 Oct 2019:

      Hi Rachael,
      I’ve sent you an email

  8. Leonel on 25 Jun 2019:

    Hello. I’m using your Loan Repayment Calculator Pro version and since last week I dont receive the email with the application from the site. I’m running with Divi theme, wordpress version 5.2.2, and PHP 7.2. Last week it was working fine.

    Thank you.

    Reply to Leonel

    • Graham on 25 Jun 2019:

      If nothing has changed on the site then you need to talk to your host. However, I suspect the problem is you are not collecting an email address on your form – which means the there will be no sender in the email header.

  9. Sascha on 05 Mar 2019:

    I’m still waiting for fixing the issues with Quick-Loan plugin that I have paid for and waiting for a reply from you since November 2018 šŸ™

    Reply to Sascha

    • Graham on 05 Mar 2019:

      I wasn’t able to find a fix for the rate bug. Nothing I tried worked. But now you have reminded me I will have another go.

  10. Bernard on 03 Mar 2019:

    Hello Graham,
    We recently start using your plug-in on our site and we love it.
    We upgraded to the PRO version, for the feature of mass upload and to let our logged users see their registrations. Unfortunately, compared to the basic version, the PRO version has not much settings.
    I have some questions:
    – would it be possible to create some settings for Individual Registrations, like switching off fields (eg. send mail, as it does not work on our site) and rename titles/translations.
    – would it be possible to show Individual Registrations in the Calendar with dedicated color or with a prefix.
    – what does the short code [user1] and [user2] show in the Attendee list? Both are empty on our site. [name] is showing the username. I want to show first and last name of attendee.
    Keep up the good work, kind regards, Bernard

    Reply to Bernard

    • Graham on 03 Mar 2019:

      I’ve sent you an email as the reply is quite complicated

  11. Marcus on 21 Feb 2019:

    Hi Graham,
    We’ve been using your plug-in for a while, successfully, but have been advised by our hosting provider to update our PHP settings from 7.0 to 7.2 or above. In doing so, we now get the following error message:
    Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /homepages/35/d127790638/htdocs/clickandbuilds/ExOx/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/quick-paypal-payments.php on line 2166
    If I disable Quick Paypal Payments, the error goes … but we can’t take payments. Our host provider suggests that Quick Paypal Payments is not compatible with the later versions of PHP. Is this a known issue, and is there something we can do to work around it?
    (The plug-in is currently disabled)
    Many thanks, Marcus

    Reply to Marcus

    • Graham on 22 Feb 2019:

      Hi Margus,
      The latest version of PHP added a load of new warnings. They do not affect the functionality of the plugin, it’s just a warning that PHP has found a non numeric value. The simplest fix is to disable debugging while I try to find a fix. A lot of developers are having the same issue and none of the suggested fixes seem to work.

  12. Ronald Ella on 03 Feb 2019:

    How can i add new fields? we need it.

    Reply to Ronald Ella

    • Graham on 06 Feb 2019:

      Hi Ronald,
      Adding new fields isn’t a quick fix as there are loads of different functions that use the data. What new fields do you need?

  13. Frank Haywood on 03 Feb 2019:

    Hi Graham,

    Brilliant plugin thank you. I’ve spent 12 hours messing around with various plugins until I found QPP and I’ll be checking out MultiPay later today.

    However… One problem I’ve noticed is that if you click the payment button, it immediately generates a record in the Payments dashboard (and sends a payment notification to me) even if no-one has paid.

    The specific case usage for me was to have a method of accepting donations via a site for a game service I’m just about to launch with a couple of friends. We all need to know when someone has donated and the method I’ve used on another site via a plain old PayPal generated button isn’t good enough so I was pleased when I found QPP because of the dashboard and the email notifications. After an hour or so of messing with styling options and trying out different things I finally got the form working the way I wanted to – it looks beautiful. I’ve enabled IPN in the IPN tab and set the listener on the IPN settings to the suggested one – https://darkhour.cc/?qpp_ipn – but I don’t think it’s doing anything. The PayPal account is a business one and has a “catch-all” IPN URL set. I even tried updating QPP to 5.7.1 but with the same result.

    At the moment if anyone fills in their in-game name and clicks the donate button, it registers as a sale in the Payments dashboard and sends an email, even if they cancel or close the window without completing the donation.

    Do I have the wrong end of the stick and this is normal behaviour or am I expecting the wrong thing?

    Thanks again for creating this plugin, I’m off to check out MultiPay now. šŸ™‚

    Reply to Frank Haywood

    • Graham on 06 Feb 2019:

      Go to the auto-responder and make sure the ‘send notifications after payment’ is checked. Pending payments will also appear in the table. That’s so you can track who has and who hasn’t paid. If you are using IPN then the ‘Paid’ column will be blank until payment is complete.

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