A Site for WordPress Plugins


Well hallo there. If it’s not WordPress Plugins you want then there’s not going to be a lot to interest you here. But you are most welcome to stay if you want.

The plugins you see here are the results of many hours of toil and struggle. I’m not a real developer, I just do this stuff for a hobby. But I have tried to make the plugins as simple to use as possible but still deliver something packed full of features. Many of those features are the result of comments, requests and emails so if there is something you want there is a pretty good chance that I can make it work.

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  1. Joel Simpson on 18 Jan 2019:

    I also experienced the error that Joni mentioned. I was able to get it to go away by selecting ‘Disable IPN Error Logging’. But then when I went to review my payments, I noticed that since the 14th that none of my payments are marked complete. Looking at PayPal, my payments are still processing. So maybe this error is causing this issue with IPN? I really like this plug in as well and would really like to continue using it. Any suggestions on why this integration started failing or what would need done in order to get it working again?

    Reply to Joel Simpson

  2. Joni Mueller on 15 Jan 2019:

    I have a site that’s been using QPP for many years and now the plugin is throwing out an error. Wonder if it’s because of the upgrade to WP 5.0. Would be willing to spend a bit of money to troubleshoot this since it is a civic club web site and we use several QPP forms to collect annual dues and donations. I would hate to have to redo these forms for some other app.

    Here is the error: “Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /home/@@@@@/public_html/idylwood.org/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/quick-paypal-payments.php on line 2404”

    Reply to Joni Mueller

    • Graham on 15 Jan 2019:

      Hi Joni,
      I’ve had to change how the IPN works because WordPress kept bugging me about using CURL not the HTTP API. It’s this that is generating the error. If you disable debugging it goes away. Or go to the plugin setup page and check the ‘Disable IPN Error logging’ option.

  3. Geelong Web Design on 27 Dec 2018:

    Hi, re EVENT MANAGER, is it possible to only have people registered for an event AFTER making their payment? At the moment, they can register, cancel their payment at PP, and they are registered 🙁 I can’t find how to do that. Thank you. Serge

    Reply to Geelong Web Design

    • Graham on 29 Dec 2018:

      In the Payments settings there is an option to hide registration details until after payment and if you are using IPN the registration table will show their details greyed out.

  4. Mark white on 31 Jul 2018:

    Hi Graham,
    Love the simplicity and user-friendliness of the plugin. Just wondering why the field for adding other participants names doesnt show up in the registration form. On show here http://saltfordsantadash.co.uk/event/saltford-santa-dash/ . Paypal failed when putting through 2 adults, 1 child as well, any workaround for that yet? many thanks in advance.

    Reply to Mark white

  5. David Weaver on 20 Jun 2018:

    I need help with this plugin. I requested help yesterday and I have not had any response.
    how do you set the width of the slide?

    Please help with the support or refund my account.

    Reply to David Weaver

    • Graham on 21 Jun 2018:

      I replied to your comment yesterday. You need to deactivate the other loan calculator plugin.

  6. Marco on 25 May 2018:

    Please download software or css code in html

    Thank u

    Reply to Marco

    • Graham on 26 May 2018:

      Hi Marco,
      What software do you want?

  7. Giulia on 25 May 2018:

    what about payments with Stripe with the Event Manager Plugin? Is that possible? or do you have a plugin to suggest?

    Reply to Giulia

    • Graham on 25 May 2018:

      Hi Giulia,
      If you upgrade to the pro-version you can make stripe payments.

  8. Frederic Michaud on 09 May 2018:

    Good day.

    I am looking for a plugin that would allow a user to create an event.

    EX: The user would post that there is an accident on the corner of this street and this street (Map available too)

    Then would send it to either a specific list of contacts or all contacts within my app (App done with Goodbarber).

    I would need to know who received and who opened the event.

    Once the event opened by a user, he would have to be able to comment on the event and send his comment to either a specific user, user list or all users. Comments would have to be private or public (Public = my registered app users only). EX: User X would comment to his supervisor only. That he is on his way to the site. His supervisor would have to be able to answer him as a comment (Private or public) his own comment.

    Once the event is closed by the instigator (Or approved closing by the instigator) The event would generate a log and comment journal so we can overview the event in all sides of it.

    I would maybe want to add an attendee log to the event, but not in phase one. Unless its easy to include

    Reply to Frederic Michaud

    • Graham on 10 May 2018:

      Hi Frederic,
      User created events with maps are easy to do. The Event Manager plugin already has this option. The bit that is a little more challenging are the notifications. But it’s all possible. I’m sending you an email with more details.

  9. ellekari on 24 Feb 2018:

    After installing QEM, website admin not working anymore?

    Reply to ellekari

    • Graham on 24 Feb 2018:

      Hi there,
      Not sure what to advise here. I’ve just made a test install and it all worked fine. It’s possible there is a conflict but ususaly if there is a problem wordpress won’t activate the plugin.

  10. Herbertz Klaus Norbert on 09 Jan 2018:

    Hello to you Mark
    I tried to activate but got the following error information:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/lympurgia-de/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/quick-event-manager/quick-event-register.php on line 333
    Can you help me with that?
    The event manager is thought for an association that I took care for the home page.
    Thanks in advance, regards Klaus

    Reply to Herbertz Klaus Norbert

    • Graham on 10 Jan 2018:

      What version of php are you using? I suspect it’s an older unsupported version which is why you are seeing the error. WordPress recommends php Version 7

    • Graham on 25 Aug 2017:

      Hi Mark,
      Can you send me a link to the payment page so I can check the URL. The URL the plugin uses is the one Paypal tells everyone to use. It’s the one at the top of this page.

    • Mark Angco on 25 Aug 2017:

      http://t-total.net/bronze-mobile-service-payment/ we have multiple but this is the first one

    • Graham on 25 Aug 2017:

      I keep getting an ‘Internal Server Error’. I did get the page to load once but it’s so slow. You have 163 server calls, duplicate files and a whole load of grunk any of which could be conflicting. I’d like to help fix the bug but I think the problem is your site not the plugin.

    • Mark Angco on 25 Aug 2017:

      OK do you have any advice on how to fix it the thing is that this site has been passed from one developer to another so Ive been ask to clean it and its not even really in my wheel house so any advise well be a great help

    • Graham on 25 Aug 2017:

      Just sent you an email

    • Mark Angco on 25 Aug 2017:

      Ok thank you very much greatly appreciated

  11. Margo on 23 Aug 2017:

    Hi! The form keeps coming up with an error, so am asking here. I can send you a screenshot of it if you like.

    I enjoyed your website and sense of humour, makes a welcome change. I think (hope) your plugin does everything I need, so here’s 3 questions about the Events Manager …

    1. Can a person register, then be given a choice of payment – immediately by PayPal, or later at the door on the day?

    2. My events usually consist of a course over a series of weekse, although they can be attended individually as well. So can multiple events be booked at the same time?

    3. This is a wish list item – can reminders be automatically emailed to participants a few days beforehand?

    I hope you’ll say yes!


    Reply to Margo

    • Graham on 23 Aug 2017:

      Hi Margo,
      To answer your questions:
      1. Yes, you can already do this.
      2. No, this isn’t possible. Or more accurately it is possible but I’d need to revise huge chunks of code.
      3. No, sending email reminders is a server function. The plugin on works when you are on the site. At all other times it’s shut down so won’t even know what day of the week it is.

    • Margo on 23 Aug 2017:

      OK, thankyou! I’ll install it asap. Appreciate your quick reply.

  12. Matthew on 02 Apr 2017:

    Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the event manager, such a pleasure to use, easy and clean in all and set up. Just wondered about ongoing development as I would love to be able to add multiple ticket options, but I cannot see an option for this, thanks!

    Reply to Matthew

  13. Brigitte Kaltenbacher on 17 Feb 2017:

    Hi Graham – sorry I tried the form but get a server error

    We are a charity and your plug-in Event Manager seems perfect to organize our volunteers. One question please: How do I change the email address the registrations go to? Currently they end up in my email inbox (web admin) but I am not the volunteer coordinator.

    If I overlooked it in your FAQ please feel free to simply point me to the URL.

    Great plug-in, sorry I am such a nube.


    Reply to Brigitte Kaltenbacher

    • Graham on 17 Feb 2017:

      Hi Brigette (and hallo from Aldershot),

      Go to the ‘Registration’ page in the plugin setting and you can enter the email address for notifications.

    • Brigitte Kaltenbacher on 17 Feb 2017:

      Perfect Graham, that worked and your reply was so quick, many thanks from Haslemere! 🙂

  14. Violet on 28 Jun 2016:

    Hi Graham,

    i just wanted to say thank you for all the good work. You are fast, and a good listener. I am happy with the plugin you created for me and all is working just fine.

    For somebody who claims to do this as a hobby, well you deliver and it’s excellent work. Keep up the good work and once again thank you.

    Reply to Violet

  15. Paul on 14 May 2016:

    No questions, just wanted to say “thank you” for all the effort you must put into all these plug-ins, and thank you again for sharing them.

    Reply to Paul

  16. ossi on 04 Mar 2016:

    Hi huys, So I am interested to buy you plugin Guest Events – for guest posting an event tu my blog for free. So its do I need to buy your product!…

    Reply to ossi

    • Graham on 04 Mar 2016:

      Hi Ossi,
      It’s free for now until it has been fully tested. You can download the plugin on the QEM Extensions page.

    • ossi on 04 Mar 2016:

      Thanks, But could i change the image file size upoading at Event Image?
      *Event Image (jpg, gif or png only. Max file size 100kb)
      for example Max file size 2mb

    • Graham on 04 Mar 2016:

      I can add a settings field to the plugin so you can set whatever size you want. I’ll send it over for you to test later today.

  17. Susan on 06 Jan 2016:

    Hello – wonderful forms! Is it possible to combine the plugins to work together via a short code on a single page – for example the PayPal and contact form? Also, when will the order form plugin be available? Thank you!

    Reply to Susan

    • Graham on 06 Jan 2016:

      Hi Susan,
      I’ve got a sort of order form sorted but nobody has asked about it so I didn’t do any more development. The Paypal plugin has a lot of contact form type fields and I’m adding two more in the next update. I did try to build a combined form a while back but gave up as it started to get complicated. But I may have another go – just for you.

    • Susan on 08 Jan 2016:

      Thank-you Graham!!

  18. JD on 06 Apr 2015:

    Hi, is something like this possible? http://www.exosource.com/en#!pricing

    Reply to JD

    • Graham on 06 Apr 2015:

      Hi June,
      Yes it is possible but not with this plugin. There is a lot of complex coding behind that feature that would make my plugin very difficult to administer. What you need is a bespoke plugin, I can send over the code for a similar plugin I started a while back so you can have a play. If you want me to build it for you I can do this for $350 (there are a lot of scripts need writing!).

  19. Stephanie on 16 Jan 2014:

    Hi, I actually have a bunch of questions. I am very new to wordpress and have little to no experience so please excuse that. So my first question is how to you change the length and width of the date calendar and the full calendar. Also how do you change or move where the wording goes on the date calendar. For example, I have a date range and when you preview the page it shows the event description only of the first date and it would be great if it could be center between the two dates. Finally, how do you change the font size of the event info.

    I am assuming this is all a coding thing and like i said I don’t know anything about that. But if you can help I would appreciate it, thanks.

    Reply to Stephanie

    • Graham on 16 Jan 2014:

      Hi Stephanie,
      Gosh, that’s a lot of questions. All the things you can change are in the plugin settings page. In your dashboard go to Settings > Event Manager and click on the tabs to see what’s what. There isn’t really much you can do about width and lengths or positions of the date icon thingy but there are all sorts of styling options that may solve your problems. There is an upgrade I’m working on that should give you a few more options.

      I just do these things for a hobby and am not the best coder but I will try to help as much as I can.

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