A Site for WordPress Plugins

Supporting the Plugins


I can’t promise the plugins will work with your theme or any other plugins. I have tried to make it so but it’s impossible to test against everything. If it doesn’t work as expected I will try to help but the huge number of other plugins, theme or even hosting restiction means there might not even be a fix. Note that 9 times out of 10 it’s the theme or a plugin conflict (usually JetPack) causing the problem.

Requests for Change

At first I didn’t mind the requests as most were fairly simple but they are now getting complex and time consuming. Some of them are so specialised that only a few people will ever use the feature. And a lot of people never even answer my emails when I send an update for testing. If you want something from me then I hope I get something back from you, even if it’s just a thank-you. A donation would be nice as well.

Free for you does not mean free for me

If you haven’t yet dipped your toes into the wonderful world of plugins you need to know it can take weeks to get it right, googling and forum searching to find the script you need, writing the actual code and then hour after frustrating hour debugging and testing.

There is of course the pleasure of seeing people download and actually use the plugin but that doesn’t stop people complaining when something they want isn’t built into the plugin they got for free. Please don’t assume I’m going to do everything you ask for. I have to earn a living and an hour fiddling with a plugin means an hour I’m not earning anything.


So if you are still reading this and still want some help then I’m happy to oblige. But in return some appreciation of the work involved will make me much more amenable to doing so. All you have to do is fill in the form to say thanks for the many, many hours I have spent over a good few years building the plugins for you to use:

[qpp form=donate]
  1. Mike Dickson on 12 Apr 2018:

    Hi, Graham,

    I’m willing to pay (within reason) to give you an incentive to have the issues that I’m concerned about fixed.

    As I mentioned previously, I tried again to send you a donation using the payment form on your support page but it still going to the PayPal sandbox site – if you have it fixed in your beta version, perhaps you should install it on your own website? Or, maybe I’m not understanding something?

    Send me an email with your payment needs. If not really interested, just say so.

    Reply to Mike Dickson

    • Graham on 12 Apr 2018:

      Hi Mike,
      I’ve just realised you were using the donation form. I’d forgotten that even existed! I will fix all those undefined indexes and the bugs. I’m right in the middle of two projects rights now. As soon as they are done I will have time to fix everything for you. If you still want to send me a donation the email to use is mail at quick-plugins.com. I will send the update to the email address you used on this comment.

  2. Mike Dickson on 11 Apr 2018:

    Just tried to make a down payment on my support request but your payment form is going to the PayPal sandbox

    Reply to Mike Dickson

  3. Mike Dickson on 11 Apr 2018:

    I thought I had submitted a support email earlier but can’t find it – apologize if part of this is a duplicate.

    Your plugin comes closest to my needs but there seem to be some issues (mainly cosmetic) that need to be addressed – if we can get this cleaned up and working properly, I’m willing to make a donation. On the positive side, the plugin does handle making the actual PayPal payment well.
    To show my good faith, I’m submitting a small donation to get us started.

    See this page: tcghs.net/payment/

    When developing a new site I always turn WordPress Debugging on – see


    Your PayPal plugin is throwing out a bunch of notice messages

    Issue 1:

    Following notices are displayed before form on page tcghs.net/payment/

    Notice: Undefined variable: content in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/quick-paypal-payments.php on line 1154

    Notice: Undefined index: option1_Deeds in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/quick-paypal-payments.php on line 1157

    Notice: Undefined index: option1_Research in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/quick-paypal-payments.php on line 1157

    Notice: Undefined index: option1_Other in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/quick-paypal-payments.php on line 1157

    Also receiving same notices on the Test Form display in the Admin pages

    Issue 2:

    Styling Field Label Locations is set to “Above Input Fields” but Email Address is showing label “Your Email Address” to the left of the input field

    Does appear correctly under the Test Form display in the Admin pages.

    Issue 3:

    Styling Required Field border is #9c0621 (kind of a maroon) but Email Address is not showing the border

    Again does appear correctly under the Test Form display in the Admin pages

    Issue 4:

    Message field is not required but is showing the border color of a required field (9c0621) rather than normal color (#415063)

    Test form also shows wrong border for this field

    Issue 5:

    Other notices in the Admin Pages

    Under Styling Tab

    Notice: Undefined variable: submitpercent in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 880

    Notice: Undefined variable: submitleft in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 885

    Under Send Options Tab

    Notice: Undefined variable: AT in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1023

    Notice: Undefined variable: BE in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1024

    Notice: Undefined variable: BR in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1025

    Notice: Undefined variable: pt_BR in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1026

    Notice: Undefined variable: CA in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1027

    Notice: Undefined variable: CH in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1028

    Notice: Undefined variable: CN in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1029

    Notice: Undefined variable: da_DK in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1030

    Notice: Undefined variable: FR in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1031

    Notice: Undefined variable: DE in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1032

    Notice: Undefined variable: he_IL in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1033

    Notice: Undefined variable: id_ID in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1034

    Notice: Undefined variable: IT in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1035

    Notice: Undefined variable: ja_JP in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1036

    Notice: Undefined variable: NL in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1037

    Notice: Undefined variable: no_NO in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1038

    Notice: Undefined variable: PL in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1039

    Notice: Undefined variable: PT in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1040

    Notice: Undefined variable: RU in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1041

    Notice: Undefined variable: ru_RU in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1042

    Notice: Undefined variable: zh_CN in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1043

    Notice: Undefined variable: zh_HK in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1044

    Notice: Undefined variable: zh_TW in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1045

    Notice: Undefined variable: ES in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1046

    Notice: Undefined variable: sv_SE in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1047

    Notice: Undefined variable: th_TH in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1048

    Notice: Undefined variable: tr_TR in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1049

    Notice: Undefined variable: GB in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1050

    Notice: Undefined variable: US in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 1051

    Issue 6:

    Whenever I “Save Changes” I get

    Notice: Undefined index: allow_amount in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: combobox in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: use_quantity in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: use_stock in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: ruse_stock in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: fixedstock in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: use_cf in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: ruse_cf in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: use_consent in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: ruse_message in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: shortcode_labels in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: cancelurl, in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: thanksurl in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: target in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: useprocess in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: processblurb in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: processref in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: processtype in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: processpercent in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: processfixed in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: postageref in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: usecoupon in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: captcha in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: fixedreference in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: fixedamount in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: useterms in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: useblurb in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: userecurring in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: srt in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: payments in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: quantitymax in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: combine in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: usetotals in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: useaddress in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: use_datepicker in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: ruse_datepicker in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: use_multiples in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: datepickerlabel in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: currency_seperator in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: refselector in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: use_reset in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: use_slider in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: inline_amount in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    Notice: Undefined index: variablerecurring in /home1/tcghsnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/settings.php on line 331

    There may be other issues but need to get these cleaned up before I can identify them. If for some reason, you don’t want to work with me on these issues let me know and I’ll look for another possible solution.

    Looking forward to working with you,
    Mike Dickson

    Reply to Mike Dickson

    • Graham on 11 Apr 2018:

      Clearing all those indexes will take some time. They don’t affect how your site functions, it’s just that PHP like variables to be defined before they are called. Some of the formatting issues may be a conflict with your site. Anyway. I’ll get it all sorted when I have some free time but unfortunately the paying work has to come first.

  4. John Barefield on 24 Mar 2018:


    Naturally if you think my problem is solvable, I can make a payment, no problem. My problem is that when I return to my page after making a PayPal payment, it takes me to my ‘transaction cancelled’ page. If that were the extent of it (I would constantly have to reassure nervous customers that all was well), then I could just disable the feature. However, the ‘thank you’ and ‘transaction cancelled” pages are critical to marketing, as I need to set up Facebook Pixel on those pages to retarget only those who have cancelled. As it is now, I would be retargeting my ads to people who have already paid. This would be a great financial waste for me.

    I have provided a screen capture of the settings page for the plugin:


    The payment to PayPal was successful, so that can’t be the problem.

    Here is the link to my payments page: http://hickorystump.org/join-us/

    Please let me know it you think this is solvable at the email address provided.

    Thanks for your time.

    Reply to John Barefield

    • Graham on 25 Mar 2018:

      Have you got any redirection set up in your PayPal account that conflicts with the plugin settings? I’ve just tested the plugin on this site and after payment it returns me to the set thank you URL as it should.

  5. Patricia Shaw on 10 Mar 2018:

    That fixed it. Thank you very much!

    Reply to Patricia Shaw

  6. Patricia Shaw on 08 Mar 2018:

    I updated the Events Manager plugin to the current version 8.4.6 and have also updated WP to 4.9.4. I have debugging turned off, but an seeing this above the header in the website: http://masonwright.org
    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/maswright/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 104

    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/maswright/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 106

    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/maswright/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 108

    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/maswright/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 109

    Do you have a fix for this?

    This is a great plugin for the assisted living facility’s website. They love it!

    Reply to Patricia Shaw

    • Graham on 08 Mar 2018:

      Delete the plugin (you woion’t lose any events or settings) and download again from wordpress. This will fix it for you.

  7. Paul Lloyd on 28 Feb 2018:


    I upgraded from v8.4.5 to v 8.4.6 of Quick Events Manager this morning but when I looked at my website, the following errors appeared at the top of the page:

    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be integer, string given in //wp-includes/functions.php on line 104

    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be integer, string given in //wp-includes/functions.php on line 106

    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be integer, string given in //wp-includes/functions.php on line 109

    Any idea what might be causing this?

    Excellent plugin by the way. Very pleased with it. Thank you.

    (This question has also been posted to the plugin Support page on the WordPress website)

    Reply to Paul Lloyd

    • Graham on 28 Feb 2018:

      I thought I’d fixed that. Anyway, it should only be a problem if you have debugging enabled and are logged in. I’m looking here and it’s all good: http://fmkx.hfc.org.uk/fmknowlex/events/

  8. Mason on 13 Sep 2017:

    Hi Graham, thank you for writing this plugin and continuing to participate in the forum. Do you remember why using multiple products disables quantity? Skimming the code, it looks like it should work, and forcing display in qpp_display_multiples seems to work appropriately; do you know why it is disabled by default?

    Reply to Mason

    • Graham on 14 Sep 2017:

      Hi Mason,
      It disables the quantity option because that only applies to single products. If you want quantities on multiple products you need to enable the quantities option on the multiple products settings. It’s disabled by default because that’s how the originator wanted it (they paid for the feature).

    • Mason on 14 Sep 2017:

      That explains it, I completely missed that checkbox. Thank you so much for explaining.

  9. Brandon on 13 Aug 2017:

    I’m having an issue with recurring payments. For some reason I am not able to specify an amount of months to charge a recurring payment. It’s only letting me set number of payments and month option. Not sure when this changed, but I’m on WordPress 4.8.1 and Quick PayPal Payments plugin is updated. Thanks.

    Reply to Brandon

    • Graham on 13 Aug 2017:

      The fields you see are the only ones PayPal will accept. PayPal is looking for a periodicity and a number of payments as defined here. I have some enhancements coming but they don’t change the basic fields.

  10. Thomas on 12 Jun 2017:

    Hi, thanks for the great plugin. However, probably since the last WP update the download to calender button is no longer working. I had to swith this function off.
    When I hit the download button I get 3 warning messages “Cannot modify header information…” for quick-event-manager.php on lines 1756-1758.
    Did you encounter this problem already or is it just on my page?

    Reply to Thomas

    • Graham on 12 Jun 2017:

      Hmm. it does appear to be broken, I shall investigate and publish a fix

  11. Alexander on 13 May 2017:

    Hi mate, I upgraded to the pro version because I wanted to be able to add fields to the form, however, in the personal details I see no way to do that. Am I missing something? Cheers 🙂

    Reply to Alexander

    • Graham on 13 May 2017:

      Hi Alexander,
      The Pro version doesn’t give you the option to add more fields. I has lots of other features but not that.

    • Alexander on 13 May 2017:

      Ahhh dear, I mistook ” Change the layout of the form, add or remove fields and the order they appear and edit the labels and captions” to mean that we could add fields. I have figured out a work around in the sense that I have changed the address details to reflect what information we need server side, however, when I fill out the form for testing purposes, the paypal payment box comes up, I click to login the paypal, the box goes away and nothing else happens 🙁

  12. Brian on 08 May 2017:

    I can’t change dates on existing events. When I update the event, the date changes on it’s own to something else. I found another support comment that said to delete the plugin and reinstall. I tried that but it still won’t work. I’ve tried using the date picker and manually typing in the date. Sometimes the month/year are right, sometimes it comes up with a totally different date. I’m using v8.4 with WP v4.7.4 Any ideas? Thanks!

    Reply to Brian

    • Graham on 08 May 2017:

      Difficult to diagnose without seeing the site. I’ve just tested on three different sites and I could create and edit event and change the dates. And nobody else has reported any problems so maybe there is a conflict somewhere. Has it ever worked?

    • Brian on 08 May 2017:

      Thanks for getting back to me so fast. I just figured something out that might help. I set the date format to m/d/y then tried again. No luck. Then I tried a random date and figured out a way to get the right date. If I put in 4/29/17 I get 5/21/17 when I update the event. That’s the date I need it to be. Doesn’t make any sense to me, but it worked. We’ve only been using the plugin for a short time and this is the first time I’ve tried to change a date.

  13. Rendani on 22 Apr 2017:

    on the loan calculator, is there a way to add more fees like admin fee and initiation fee?

    Reply to Rendani

    • Graham on 23 Apr 2017:

      Yes there is but not on this particular plugin. I’ve got a far better an more sophisticated version here: https://loanpaymentplugin.com/

    • Rendani on 23 Apr 2017:

      i have the Quick Interest Slider version 1.1 i upgraded to pro but the key didnt work. how can i add admin fee to the total to pay on this plugin?

    • Graham on 23 Apr 2017:

      Not sure why the key isn’t working – do you get an error message? I am looking at adding and admin fee for you. I will send you an update for testing once it’s done.

    • Graham on 24 Apr 2017:

      Just sent you an email with a link to the update.

  14. Bonnie Ottway on 16 Apr 2017:

    I’m getting the “Things don’t appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later.” Paypal error from my bill pay page. (http://pennyroyalcenter.org/bill-pay/) Can you tell me what I should do to fix this issue? Thanks a ton!

    Reply to Bonnie Ottway

    • Graham on 16 Apr 2017:

      Hi Bonnie,
      Can you log into your PayPal account and make sure there aren’t any account details you need to verify. I’ve tested the plugin on two of my test sites and it’s all working for me.

    • Amber on 21 Apr 2017:

      I am having the same problem. You are able to do it once, but not a second time.

    • Bonnie Ottway on 24 Apr 2017:

      Having this problem on another site now. Did PayPal change something? Is the plugin getting updated to compensate for the error? Thanks for any help!

    • Amber on 24 Apr 2017:

      PayPal is saying the source code on the Make a Payment button is incorrect.

  15. Gerard Jimenez on 23 Mar 2017:

    Hello Graham, me again. I was having a problem with forms styling resetting to default, I deleted and recreated them and it solved the problem, no big deal there.

    On the other hand, yesterday I upgraded to Pro in order to use MailChimp, but I think I exited Paypal a little too early and didn’t get activation code, my Paypal address is the one on this message. Please review and let me know.

    Reply to Gerard Jimenez

    • Graham on 23 Mar 2017:

      Just sent you an email with the activation code

    • Gerard Jimenez on 23 Mar 2017:

      Both the code and MailChimp worked like a charm. Thanks a lot, again.

  16. Paolo on 22 Mar 2017:

    Hi Graham, on the last days paypal in-context checkout, after the login with paypal credentials (sandbox) it redirects in a new page where paypal ask again to login to conclude the payment. Before all process was done on the popup in-context checkout. Im on wp 4.7.3… maybe something is changed?

    Reply to Paolo

    • Graham on 22 Mar 2017:

      Hi Paolo,
      If there is a problem with the PayPal servers it will revert to the standard checkout. I’ve just tested the form here in the UK and it’s all working.

  17. Paul on 20 Mar 2017:

    Whats the chances of getting MultiPay working on the latest 4.7 WordPress ?
    I’m looking to write a form to allow users to subscribe to different services and would like to use PayPal and Worldpay.
    ( Sorry to put it here but the contact fields on the right just give server error )

    Reply to Paul

    • Graham on 21 Mar 2017:

      It should already work with 4.7. I know the one on this site can be a bit iffy but it does work.

  18. Gerard Jimenez on 17 Mar 2017:

    I tried sending this message thru the contact form, but didn’t work, got a server error message, so here it goes:

    Hi Graham, I’m about to go Pro with Quick Contact Forms, mainly to integrate MailChimp on the site. I have a couple Questions:

    – I will install in a development domain and later on will move to the client’s domain. Is that a problem? should it work OK after migration.

    – Regarding MailChimp, I will have a couple contact forms, one general contact form with an optin for MC and one dedicate MC form, both of them I would like to add checkboxes to select which mail list the user will subscribe to. Can I do that with your plugin?

    Thanks a lot for your hard work.

    Reply to Gerard Jimenez

    • Graham on 17 Mar 2017:

      Hi Gerard,
      Dunno why the error message happens – it seems to work for some but not for others.
      Anyway, MailChimp should all work OK as it’s independent of the server. At the moment the plugin is only set up to link to a single mailchimp list but it should be too much work to add the mailchimp fields to the send options for each form. I’m a bit busy right now but will have time next week to look at this.

    • Gerard Jimenez on 22 Mar 2017:

      Nevermind, client will make do with one mail list. If I need any other help will let you know.

  19. wayne57 on 01 Mar 2017:

    How do I get maps to display?
    I have a valid google maps api entered etc.

    Reply to wayne57

    • Graham on 01 Mar 2017:

      Have you activated the API? It’s the bit most people forget to do. Make sure you have completed all the steps here: https://quick-plugins.com/google-maps-api-keys/

    • wayne57 on 01 Mar 2017:

      Yes have followed all the instructions and enabled the API.
      The event map is shown as a question mark.
      Clicking on the question mark does open a new tab and the google map is centered on the correct location, but the map does not appear in the event or event listing.

    • Graham on 02 Mar 2017:

      The question mark will show if something isn’t right in your API settings. It’s worth going back through everything in your google console and double checking. Have you for example set any key restrictions that block your site?

  20. Subbu on 01 Mar 2017:

    Hey thanks for the plugin. Is there anyway to set email remainders for events? Thanks

    Reply to Subbu

    • Graham on 01 Mar 2017:

      Not easily. All the plugin does is send a message to your hosting company and they send it on to the recipient. It can only do this while the website is being used by someone. Scheduled emails are usually looked after by a mail handling program or a service like mailchimp. So I’m not sure it’s going to ever be possible.

Reply to Paolo Duzioni

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